X’Pert PRO Alpha-1
This diffractometer includes a symmetrical incident beam Johansson monochromator and the ultra-fast X'Celerator detector (Fig. 1). The monochromatic diffractograms obtained with this instrument have an excellent peak-to-background ratio and resolution. A unique advantage of this instrument is that it can rapidly be reconfigured to another X-ray optical setup thanks to the PreFIX concept. The system can simply and easily be changed from a Bragg-Brentano parafocusing setup (Fig. 1) to a Debye-Scherrer geometry (Fig. 2), in which the powder sample is in a tiny glass capillary. This is especially useful for organic samples, where needle-shaped or plate-like crystallites make a random orientation in a flat sample almost impossible. This instrument is normally configured in the extended position, making use of the incident beam Johansson monochromator, with the PW 3064 sample spinner and X'Celerator detector. |
Ceramic Copper tube (recommended maximum settings 45kV, 40mA)
OPTICS: Focussing and parallel PreFix optics, programmable slits, soller slits, parallel plate collimator, incident and diffracted beam monochromator. DETECTORS: Xe proportional counter and solid state X'Celerator SAMPLE STAGES: Flat sample holder, sample spinner, capillary sample holder. SOFTWARE AND DATABASES: ICDD PDF-2 database (2002). Hi-Score search-match software, X'Pert Plus crystallographic analysis software with Rietveld capability, ProFit line profile analysis software.
This multi-purpose diffractometer (MPD), comes
with theta-theta geometry, diverging or parallel incident beam optics, and
either a scintillation or X'Celerator detector. This instrument is normally configured with one of the two high temperature furnaces for use with high temperature diffraction measurements. The instrument is equipped with both an Anton-Paar HTK2000 platinum strip furnace (max temp. 1450oC), or the Anton-Paar HTK1200 oven furnace (max temp. 1200oC). |
Special Ceramic Cu tube; 1.8
kW Special Ceramic Co tube; 3.0 kW Special Ceramic Mo tube.
OPTICS: Focusing and parallel PreFix optics, programmable slits, soller slits, parallel plate collimator, incident and diffracted beam monochromator. DETECTORS: solid state X'Celerator SAMPLE STAGES: Sample Spinner, Sample Changer, Multi-purpose sample stage, high temperature camera. SOFTWARE AND DATABASES: ICDD PDF-2 database (2002). Hi-Score search-match software, X'Pert Plus Diamond crystallographic analysis software with Rietveld capability, Line Profile Analysis.
Special Ceramic Cu tube
OPTICS: soller slits, programmable slits, incident beam mirror, diffracted beam monochromator, Mono-capillary, Ge(220) 4 crystal monochromator, DETECTORS: solid state X'Celerator SAMPLE STAGES: MRD cradle Applications: rocking curve analysis and reciprocal space mapping, reflectometry and thin film phase analysis, residual stress and texture analysis.